The Agency

CosmoCats is a Russian independent agency 
of interactive communications.

We flew to Earth to foster a civilization of creativity here.We see the future and change it, “the butterfly effect”, only a game according to our rules, as well as consumer behavior which we regulate.


Our technological expertise are beyond human understanding. Creation is only half the project.

Support and development is the second half. 
This is not an empty phrase for us.

What is worth doing a high-load site, a landing, 
an application, or a game for those whose DNA 
is partially made up of code?


Creativity in Digital is always something new. 
The user’s interaction with it is a natural ultimatum form. It is either “catchy” or not.

Our concept is always communication layers. Layer by layer, the user is immersed in interaction with the brand, becoming a loyalist of your communication.

Contact Communication Layers – 
Without compromise.

System design

This is a cosmic visual communication in four dimensions. The first is the brand identity.

The second is the user experience. The third is 
the content discovery. The fourth is the dramatic culmination.

We create unique formats for digital design. 
We make our weighty contribution to beauty 
bytes on the web.


The strategy is intergalactic science.

We build genetic relationships for the digital eco-system of your brand. No, we do not create hybrids; we create structural chains of identity; – 
we are architects of human experience, knowing exactly their future insight.

The idea gives birth to efficiency.
Its execution creates the result.


80% of the atmosphere on our planet is engaging content, while on yours it is no more than 10%.

Our goal is not to design retro models, projects 
and displays. We open a time portal, designing 
the customer’ future.

[ Unreal Engine, Unity, CryEngine ] – 
our tried-and-true toolset. Virtual projects 
and interactive models are your identity.


Our graphic works tend to spread all over the planet.

They want to be looked at, shared, and commented, loved and hated, imitated, and copied throughout the galaxy. Crowds are ready to go after them into the marketing astral. Why?

Because this is a hypno-graphic design.


Augmented & Virtual & Mixed Reality – for us, it is, first and foremost, a feedback analysis.

We study user engagement with interactive content. A combination of advanced software and manual fine-tuning delivers cumulative analytic findings.

We create a deep, emotional consumer engagement. We do not give “dreams” away: we create “value–relationships”.

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121059, Moscow, Berezhkovskaya embankment, 12G, room XVII

Beyond the edge of the earth's passes, along the milky wide river

At the distant universal berths, cats soar over the abyss.

rus eng